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Remote Source

Experimental feature

This feature can change in future

Remote source allows you use go-getter syntax to fetch helmwave.yml form Git, Mercurial, HTTP, Amazon S3, Google GCP

helmwave build --remote-source


[🙃 aka INFO]: using cache for remote source
    remote source:
    cache path: /Users/zhilyaev/Library/Caches/helmwave/remote-source/2d4e600d4fa708cb8642b0fcd7ff4597a7b435e5552adedb4bd61a75888f61b4
[🙃 aka INFO]: 🔨 Building releases...
[🙃 aka INFO]: 🔨 Building values...
[🙃 aka INFO]: 🔨 no values provided
    release: nginx@test
[🙃 aka INFO]: 🔨 Building repositories...
[🙃 aka INFO]: 🗄 repo has been added to the plan
    repository: bitnami
[🙃 aka INFO]: ❎ repository already exists with the same configuration, skipping
    repository: bitnami
[🙃 aka INFO]: 🔨 Building registries...
[🙃 aka INFO]: 🔨 Building charts...
[🙃 aka INFO]: 🔨 Building manifests...
[🙃 aka INFO]: ❎ skipping updating dependencies for remote chart
    release: nginx@test
[🙃 aka INFO]: ❎ found chart in helm cache, using it
    release: nginx@test
    path: /Users/zhilyaev/Library/Caches/helm/repository/nginx-13.1.7.tgz
[🙃 aka INFO]: ✅  manifest done
    release: nginx@test
[🙃 aka INFO]: 🔨 Building graphs...
[🙃 aka INFO]: show graph:
│ nginx@test  │

[🙃 aka INFO]: 🏗 Plan
      - nginx@test
      - bitnami
[🙃 aka INFO]: 🆚 Diff manifests in the kubernetes cluster
[🙈 aka WARNING]: I can't get release from k8s: failed to get release nginx@test: release: not found
[🙃 aka INFO]: 🏗 Planfile is ready!